Most accidents occur in the home and I spend alot of time at home.
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Monday, May 30, 2005
Washing machines.
Reeeeally bad likeness there :(
I can't draw anyone normal looking unless they're wearing glasses.
Also : my mum doesn't actually call it a phone, she calls it a "mobile-ni".
Sunday, May 29, 2005
Hidden treasure.
Wizz Fizz = Sherbet in a bag + a spoon that looks like a shovel.
Thanks people but please don't worry about me. It was just boredom which led to not having things to draw about. I've not been able to write anything since I finished the Sidekick book so please keep the questions coming. I've got one finished so far and it really helped keep me busy.
Saturday, May 28, 2005
Friday, May 27, 2005
before I wreck myself
I need some help from people to stop me from burning completely out.
Remember when you were asking questions and I answered them in comic form ?
Let's do that again ! If you are someone what draws how about drawing a question ?
If not, ask anyway.
Also :
I changed keyboards because the old one was bothering me but this one makes bip bip noises when I type.
It is Friday night and I am at home on the computer like some kinda lame-o.
Remember when you were asking questions and I answered them in comic form ?
Let's do that again ! If you are someone what draws how about drawing a question ?
If not, ask anyway.
Also :
I changed keyboards because the old one was bothering me but this one makes bip bip noises when I type.
It is Friday night and I am at home on the computer like some kinda lame-o.
I miss John Campbell.
I also miss Cadbury's Jelly Choc Chip Icecream and Eamon - the irish guy that used to call me Jarvis.
Everyone should have a ukelele neck.
I swear I that girl was not meant to be anyone in particular, it just happened when I inked it :Speaking of inking - my brushpen loves to shit itself.
Thursday, May 26, 2005
I've gone days without doing anything or seeing anyone so expect some pretty damn boring comics
I promise I'm not about to quit even though you'll probably wish I would.
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
I'm not short, I know that much.
Sara draws comics now !
Here's something I stole from Jamie
1. Assign me a nickname and tell me why.
2. Make up a title of a song that best sums up our last encounter.
3. Upon first impression, what'd you think? Three words.
4. Present impression, what do you think now? Three words.
5. Make up a memory about me that includes an act of heroism.
6. What do you think I am going to be when I grow up?
I am becoming a shut-in so help me waste my time.
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Give your pet a pet !
I did nothing on the 22nd. Sorry about this one.
It's cute, but there was no effort put into it whatsoever.
Monday, May 23, 2005
My heroes.
I'm trying hard to do things that aren't journal strips or my supervillain stuff.
Here's something :
The crazies on the street of my town.
I want to hear about the crazies in your town.
If you say you don't have any then it means you are one.
Here's something :
The crazies on the street of my town.
I want to hear about the crazies in your town.
If you say you don't have any then it means you are one.
Two things.
First thing :
Jamie drew an excellent picture of ME !!
Second thing :
To the local people - the puppet show we filmed for the 15/15 film festival will be shown at the Village Cinema Geelong on the Sunday 12th June sometime from 7pm to 10:30pm.
I'm just telling you when you can see it, I am definitely not saying you should see it. I will say it is stupid but if you want to see my drawings on the big screen, go to this.
Jamie drew an excellent picture of ME !!
Second thing :
To the local people - the puppet show we filmed for the 15/15 film festival will be shown at the Village Cinema Geelong on the Sunday 12th June sometime from 7pm to 10:30pm.
I'm just telling you when you can see it, I am definitely not saying you should see it. I will say it is stupid but if you want to see my drawings on the big screen, go to this.
High school sucked.
For me 1994 was all about Ren & Stimpy, Zero Hour and repeating year 9.
It was the only diary I ever kept and it only lasted til June.
Sunday, May 22, 2005
Sorry if you are sick of hearing and reading about the star wars.
He needed legs for walking and a mask because he was all fugly then I guess someone said "a black cape would be awesome !" and the emperor high fived everyone.
Saturday, May 21, 2005
like a beautiful spring rose...
I now have a ukelele neck blessed with the combined powers of cupid and rock & roll.
Also : I was the Groove Room door bitch.
Friday, May 20, 2005
No private life.
And now I can never give her the address because that's a really bad drawing of her.
Thursday, May 19, 2005
Daily Grind update.
Yesterday Wendy Chin was the 10th person to drop out of the Daily Grind Iron Man Competition.
I'm really starting to worry someone undeserving is going to win this (besides me). I know it's not a talent contest but the last five or so to drop out were ones I really enjoy and it bums me out big time.
So to my grind friends (you know who you are) please don't let an asshole win.
Thank you.
I'm really starting to worry someone undeserving is going to win this (besides me). I know it's not a talent contest but the last five or so to drop out were ones I really enjoy and it bums me out big time.
So to my grind friends (you know who you are) please don't let an asshole win.
Thank you.
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Notice my weird-ass bathroom mirror positioning. I have the normal mirrored medicine cabinet but instead of over the sink it is off to the side and under it is another mirror at crotch height. I swear it was like that when I moved in.
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Sunday paper on a Monday morning.
It was actually a late night chocolate walk with the paper on the side.
And that is "Ten Year Old" by MC Chris I am listening to there.
Monday, May 16, 2005
Book survey.
Sorry to the people that have already read this.
Whenever I see one of these I hope I'm not tagged to keep it going. I don't hate them or anything, I'm just a lazy turd. Luckily McPhil caught me at my most bored-est.
1 ) Total number of books owned?
Umm I just counted 15 boxes worth. Half of them are terrible superhero comics from when I was young that I keep meaning to sell.
2) The last book I bought?
3) The last book I read?
Lost at Sea by Bryan Lee O'Malley. $10 spur of the moment purchase from a second-hand book shop.
I found some parts beautiful but I'll have to read it again before deciding whether I like it.
4) Five books that mean a lot to me:
Jimmy Corrigan : The smartest Kid on Earth by Chris Ware.
Just so BIG in every sense of the word. It taught me comics shouldn't be just conventional pictures and words and really made me pay start paying attention to stuff like typography, design, page layout etc. (not that I think I actually used anything I learned from the book).
Watchmen by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons.
This belongs here even though I think I've overdosed on it in the last few years to the point where I don't think I even need to read it again. I don't know what to say about it but it blew my mind every time I read it.
Sketchbook Diaries & Quit your Job by James Kochalka.
If I didn't rip off the Sketchbook Diaries you wouldn't even know who I was. Quit your Job always makes me smile. The ending with the cat is the cutest thing ever.
Blankets by Craig Thompson.
I just think it's so beautiful and sad. There are parts where I think "I wish that was me" and parts where I'm glad it's not. So honest and detailed too that it makes me wonder if I'm holding back. And yeah it made me really grateful for my own parents and childhood.
Ghost World by Dan Clowes.
I didn't know whether to put this or the Ice Haven issue of Eightball. I like the idea of nothing actually happening unless you look. Also the fact that every town has crazies like the satanists and the guy at the window who tells people who he thinks they look like is something I want to see alot more of.
Is that the most unoriginal list you've seen ? Sorry.
Whenever I see one of these I hope I'm not tagged to keep it going. I don't hate them or anything, I'm just a lazy turd. Luckily McPhil caught me at my most bored-est.
1 ) Total number of books owned?
Umm I just counted 15 boxes worth. Half of them are terrible superhero comics from when I was young that I keep meaning to sell.
2) The last book I bought?
3) The last book I read?
Lost at Sea by Bryan Lee O'Malley. $10 spur of the moment purchase from a second-hand book shop.
I found some parts beautiful but I'll have to read it again before deciding whether I like it.
4) Five books that mean a lot to me:
Jimmy Corrigan : The smartest Kid on Earth by Chris Ware.
Just so BIG in every sense of the word. It taught me comics shouldn't be just conventional pictures and words and really made me pay start paying attention to stuff like typography, design, page layout etc. (not that I think I actually used anything I learned from the book).
Watchmen by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons.
This belongs here even though I think I've overdosed on it in the last few years to the point where I don't think I even need to read it again. I don't know what to say about it but it blew my mind every time I read it.
Sketchbook Diaries & Quit your Job by James Kochalka.
If I didn't rip off the Sketchbook Diaries you wouldn't even know who I was. Quit your Job always makes me smile. The ending with the cat is the cutest thing ever.
Blankets by Craig Thompson.
I just think it's so beautiful and sad. There are parts where I think "I wish that was me" and parts where I'm glad it's not. So honest and detailed too that it makes me wonder if I'm holding back. And yeah it made me really grateful for my own parents and childhood.
Ghost World by Dan Clowes.
I didn't know whether to put this or the Ice Haven issue of Eightball. I like the idea of nothing actually happening unless you look. Also the fact that every town has crazies like the satanists and the guy at the window who tells people who he thinks they look like is something I want to see alot more of.
Is that the most unoriginal list you've seen ? Sorry.
My morning after.
So I was wandering the street after a night of drinking and very little sleep, I turn the corner and see I am right in front of a petting zoo. In the petting zoo are pink chickens, rabbits, geese and a small girl having a conversation with a pony. Also : one goose looked at me and honked.
My brain still can't process the whole thing.
Saturday, May 14, 2005
Friday, May 13, 2005
Fuzzy Wuzzy was a woman ?
These are the strips for today and tomorrow.
This weekend I'm going to pretend I am on holidays. Starting now.

Certain people are difficult to pay attention to.

I forgot to check what flavour jelly I was.
This weekend I'm going to pretend I am on holidays. Starting now.
Certain people are difficult to pay attention to.
I forgot to check what flavour jelly I was.
Thursday, May 12, 2005
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Monday, May 09, 2005
Poking dead things.
Yep, the bottle made a "POP!" noise and I screamed like a girl :(
I don't like the beach because some bits are sandy and some bits are wet.
Sunday, May 08, 2005
Saturday, May 07, 2005
What are you doing on Friday the 13th ?
Anyone that can make it to this should really make it to this !
Let me tell what I know about the spacial guests -
DJ Sparkling Vintage looks exactly like John Waters but with a magical golden bowtie ! Hula Hoop Girl puts balloons on audience members and pops them with the razor sharp edge of her hoop ! The Trumpeting Belindas are completely self-explanatory !
Lurking Dracula ! Lurking Dracula ! Oh man I don't want to ruin the surprise but what would be better than a Lurking Dracula ? (Hint : I will be there)
Don't miss it !
Friday, May 06, 2005
I feel terrible because that there is my friend Renee and in real life she does not look like such a boy. Then again that's what she gets for not visiting the site.
Thursday, May 05, 2005
My Geelong-based interview.
Learn more about the town I live in by reading this little interview with questions asked by the k-rob.
1) Best place to eat in Geelong?
I am useless when deciding what to eat. Lately it's the lunch special at that curry place because I am poor. Shannon Pizza is an old favourite. Kev's van gets an honorable mention for being open when I walk home drunk.
2) CC, Sanity, Leading Edge or Bent Wind?
Bent Wind all the way ! I do like looking at CC's green upcoming release board though.
3) How do you feel about all the construction happening in town?
The bottom of James Street was a real shit to walk past for a few weeks. I'm glad I don't drive because Moorabool looked fucked yesterday. I'm glad the wooden penises have gone from the mall but those point metal things are just as phallic.
4) Kardinia Cafe or Texas Hamburgers?
They're both a bit out of the way :/ I pick Texas only because I can't remember the last time I went to Kardinia.
5) Favourite thing about Geelong?
The fact that it's pretty easy for me to get stuff shown thanks to the HUB and the Arts Alliance. Also I love the couches and the noodles at the Nash.
6) Favourite slang for Geelong? G-town, G-schlong, G-hole - any others?
I dunno. G-hole's a bit harsh but I totally understand it. G-town makes us sound cooler than we actually are. I'm going to start calling it the G-spot.
1) Best place to eat in Geelong?
I am useless when deciding what to eat. Lately it's the lunch special at that curry place because I am poor. Shannon Pizza is an old favourite. Kev's van gets an honorable mention for being open when I walk home drunk.
2) CC, Sanity, Leading Edge or Bent Wind?
Bent Wind all the way ! I do like looking at CC's green upcoming release board though.
3) How do you feel about all the construction happening in town?
The bottom of James Street was a real shit to walk past for a few weeks. I'm glad I don't drive because Moorabool looked fucked yesterday. I'm glad the wooden penises have gone from the mall but those point metal things are just as phallic.
4) Kardinia Cafe or Texas Hamburgers?
They're both a bit out of the way :/ I pick Texas only because I can't remember the last time I went to Kardinia.
5) Favourite thing about Geelong?
The fact that it's pretty easy for me to get stuff shown thanks to the HUB and the Arts Alliance. Also I love the couches and the noodles at the Nash.
6) Favourite slang for Geelong? G-town, G-schlong, G-hole - any others?
I dunno. G-hole's a bit harsh but I totally understand it. G-town makes us sound cooler than we actually are. I'm going to start calling it the G-spot.
No candy for me :(
I'm obsessed with this place. They have candy bars imported from the US many of which I have never tried before. Many of which I will never try again !
I mean what the hell's going on with the Payday bar ? Am I on crazy pills or are those peanuts salted ? Who decided to put salted peanuts in a friggin candy bar ?
Also : someone seriously forgot to cover it in chocolate.
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
Don't cry, Ive !
My turn !
Request an interview and I will ask you five questions.
There's a few of you that leave comments and I know nothing about you, so please play along.
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
"comes from chicken not a bunny, dummy !"
You each get a boiled egg and smack them together.
One will crack and one will not.
Monday, May 02, 2005
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