Thursday, June 30, 2005

You Ain't No Dancer.

Go to your comic shop this month and order a copy of You Ain't No Dancer #1.
Details Here !
I've got nothing to do with it but I'm still pretty excited about it because of cartoonists I know and love from the net - Jamie, McPhil, Dean Trippe are appearing alongside cartoonists I love from elsewhere - Jeffrey Brown, Jim Mahfood, Bryan Lee O'Malley etc. Full list here.
Put together by Ed Brisson with a Dave Cooper cover. This book is gonna be the shit !

While I am going on about it you might want to put a submission in for the next issue.

"The demons tell me I'm a jerk, a bum and an asshole."

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If you disagree it means you haven't been paying attention.

And Glen says : Ive you slapper!...I so did not encourage you to lick those tongs!! You need to retract that comment!!
Man I don't know what to believe but I sure don't trust my own head anymore. Remember when Homer remembers his version of the party they threw and he is in a top hat and monocle ? That was my saturday.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Drawn like shit because I literally ran out of lead.

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In the space of two hours I had an inspection, saw a dozen of my stencils badly painted over, realised I had a new neighbour and got two secret emails that made me sad (at first then happy.)

Wendy, I haven't seen you around but I got your package and it made everything better. Everyone needs to buy some shit ! Cute but not cutesy, maybe even sexy rock and roll girlie FUN !

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Clean and Jerk.

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Do you recognize the quote ? DO YOU ?

The cleaning wasn't so awful except for my kitchen sink.
I guess I am a complainy painy.
I am wasting time when I should be cleaning.
What are YOU doing ?

Monday, June 27, 2005

What I did on the weekend.

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What I remember of Saturday night was awesome. I must of met every one of my readers in town, some that I didn't know about and some that bought me drinks. Andrea called me a celebrity and I kinda felt like it.

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For real it was like half the height of the bar, there's no way the bartenders saw it. I assume it had to get a friend to buy the drinks, I wish I was paying more attention because I'm spending way too much time wondering about it.

Last weeks leftovers.

It's Monday morning and I haven't even posted my strip for Thursday.

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For a nerd I know very little about computers, but I'm sure it's nothing the ocean won't fix.

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I want to stress it wasn't me that was drinking the Southern Comfort. That shit is cruel to the mouth. It was a soft drink friday for me.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Another Grave Digging Comic.

Originally I planned to spread these out but I am exhausted right now and this is all I had uploaded and ready. 3 times my computer made me try and post this !!!

I will go back and try the gravy.

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I did a panel for this Comic Jam now in progress at the brand new daily grind board. It's one big inside joke but it is pretty looking too.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Where was Talia ? etc.etc.

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Before you email the beautiful Daily Grind judges to tell them I broke the no sketches rule please note this is not my comic for the day.

THIS is my comic for today.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

The Filth.

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It's okay though, I don't use it much.

New to beards.

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Because I'm a few days behind in posting these I can tell you the next couple aren't as crappy as this one.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

For hugging, not eating.

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Feed me.

Do you have a livejournal account and are you in love with your friends page ?
Because HandShakeDrugs has done a good thing for you.
If you add iveagogo to your friends list everything I do here will be on your LJ.
If you want to comment though, you'll have to do it here.
Tell me what you think of this okay ? I know it'll be handier for alot of you and the only down side I can think of is the hits to this site will go way down won't they ?

Friday, June 17, 2005

Too lazy to even catch a bus.

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Could someone in town please open up a comic shop ? My copy of Superfuckers hasn't arrived yet.
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I had to restart my bastard computer 3 times to post this crap !!
Do not be suprised if I am out of the Daily Grind soon.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Harmony of Curves.

A reminder to fellow beardies : You only have until the 23rd of June to register for the World Beard and Moustache Championships.
I'm still deciding which category to enter into.

Big ups to cotard for the link.

Now I got worry.

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"I recommend the pina coladas. They're excellent and very authentic tasting."

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

happy birthday.

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I haven't forgotten about those questions, first I was sick now I am sidetracked.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Cinema !

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My computer is shitting me like never before.
It has tricks that it thinks are funny.

Mummy Fight !

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One of those pictures I scan, colour then forget about until I am looking for something else on my computer. I used to be all about mummies, zombies, monsters etc. I realise now that recently I have lost the love for drawing them and that makes me a little sad.

Kind of like an intervention.

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I've done worse while drunk and I'm lucky my friends don't draw their own journal comics.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Brian Peppers.

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Does that make me sound like an arsehole ?
Sorry, but I saw an interview with her when I was a kid and the way her mouth moved when she talked burned into my brain.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

A reminder.

All the Geelong made films for the 15/15 film festival are screening this Sunday at 6pm at the Village Cinema. One of them is "The man who wanted a canoe shop" which was made using drawings I did. Entry is completely free ! You'll laugh, you'll cry and you'll say "What the shit ?"

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I've been meaning to put this up for a while.
It's the flier for my show up on the Nash postcard wall !
Mine's the blue one with the zombies if you didn't know.

sick of it all.

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I will send it as soon as I am done here.

Hey, any of you nerds want to buy some DC superhero comics from the late 80's/90's ?
I'd love to write you a list but that would take an insane ammount of time.
email me.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Beard + Beanie =

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This season i'll be mostly wearing...turtlenecks.

Blind disappointment.

Are you ready to Ive it up ?
I'm afraid I am not going to give you time to answer.
Here we go !

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Those marks in the top left of the panels are to show you what it's like to look through those glasses.

Monday, June 06, 2005

More peepee talk.

Here's my penis comic.
It's on my livejournal which I only started so I could comment on others but I am thinking i'll post some of the bigger things there until I sort out my actual website.

By the way, I am sick so things may be slower for a while if that's possible.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Good times.

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It was more of a DONK! than a BANG!
Things that I remember happening that night - the bartender that kept calling me "Craig", Glen going out the door on a tiny tractor, that guy coming out of the toilet of that place holding his crotch and I remember sleeping in Glen's front yard using a chunk of wood as a pillow
I pretty much remember everything except the reason why we were hanging out in the ladies toilet at the Nash.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

pwned by my peepee.

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Next time I'm just gonna reach down and go for it. Who's going to say anything ? i fucking own this town.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

We want fun and we wanna get wasted.

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I want an actual website kind of like the one I had that broke except not broken and better.

Rick was right.

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Marvel at my mastery of backgrounds !
In the first panel I am in a newsagent and in the second I am at a kebab place.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

My first date.

Here is a comic !
No time for fancy buttons or thumbs etc.
The unnamed question project comics are being done in order of whenever I get ideas.
I have two others done. Keep them coming please.

El Scorcho.

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Here are the first round of Q&A's.
When will I learn to draw fingers ?

Why is your head so much larger than your body ?

Do you have any pets ?