Happy School Holidays !
How are you going to spend them ? Will you go to the zoo ?
May I please come along ?
This was meant to be a normal update but it turns out I am so sick in the head with boogers that I forgot to scan and upload the picture I've been trying to link to.
I can describe it to you though :
Glen found a boombox at the Nash and a badly drawn Terry is asking him where he found it.
Glen replies, "Where
didn't I find it ?"
Then I put forward a scenario in which I am a DJ and I play my songs through a boombox while on the dancefloor. Ryan is there and his head is drawn completely wrong. Also my hair is dumb as I attempted to recapture the days when strangers told me I reminded them of Jarvis Cocker due to my glasses, messy hair and all-round girliness, but I now remember those days were pre-beard and potbelly.
And the whole thing looks like it was inked with a sticks by an idiot.
This is what webcomics were before scanners.
You'll see the real thing tomorrow.
Sorry for wasting the internets.
I don't know how long i'll be sick for but i'll try to avoid more posts like this okay ?