Thursday, March 31, 2005

Phone Jerks.

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Any Geelong people should check out the BYO art show celebrating the first birthday of Front. Details here somewhere.
I'll be there and I hear there'll be fairy bread !


Anonymous said...

Ive, answering machines are so cheap these days! Anyone who takes offense at being screened is at least 15 years behind the times, so if that's your motivation for picking up every single phone call you get--fuggedaboutit! Can you name even one phone call in your life where after you said to yourself, "Thank god I answered it right away."? Life's too short and showers and naps too relaxing to plex about jumping on each and every phone call. Let the machines serve you, not the other way around.

Anonymous said...

what the funk is fairy bread??

hehe, I almost posted this as "fairy beard".