My good friend Mijo emailed me this and I thought I'd answer it here.
1. Your life flashes before your eyes. What do you see ?
I've had alot of good times, but what I'd see are the missed opportunities, the stories I never got to tell and the girls I never got to kiss.
2. What are you wearing right now ?
Boring tan socks, blue cord pants, boxers with a dinosaur playing cards on them and my red Artist Republic t-shirt (one of my favourites).
3. Top five songs that are soundtracks to your life and why.
Aw crap..ummm
Dang by Jon Spencer Blues Explosion.
Getting into the Blues Explosion was like discovering music. Dang was so loud and angry it made me skip my teen angst faze.
Istanbul/Dr. Worm by They Might Be Giants.
Because Mijo rules. If there was ever a guitar at a party back in the day he'd play Istanbul while I sung along. Dr. Worm was the first song ever dedicated to me and sometimes he puts my name in the lyrics :)
The cover of Benny and the Jets that's on the Beastie anthology.
Biz Marke sings but clearly doesn't know the words and it doesn't bother him one bit. Me and Glen screaming along to it in an empty Nash.
Stereo by Pavement.
Because Pavement were the first band I ever saw live and I can't go a week without saying "I know him and he does."
Alot of stuff by Weezer.
Because I am a nerd that loves nerds.
4. Best conversation you had last week
My mum called Friday night to say her and my dad were going away for five days. I asked where they were going and mum said they don't know, they just got in the car the next morning and drove.
5. If you could go back in time where would you go ?
I want to pat a dinosaur, kill a dictator, thank Jack Kirby and fuck Bettie Page.
6. What's something you're ashamed of ?
My rate of productivity, the mess my place is, the dishes in my sinks (kitchen and laundry). The fact that I am nowhere professionally or personally and I don't see that changing soon. I am also ashamed that I threw up on the tram that time.
7. What's your all time favorite possession?
Isosceles Lock ! oh sorry, I thought it said "favorite position"
My Hall of Justice Playset. It's exactly what I wanted for my 7th birthday and I'll never get over the fact that I actually got it.
8. Your idea of bliss.
When a party evolves and becomes breakfast with friends and I have nowhere to be the next day.
9. Your biggest addiction.
hmmm one of the following - comics, video games, the internets, Pepsi or chocolate.
10. What qualities in a human being annoy you most?
Rudeness, machismo, arrogance.
11. Have you ever walked in on anybody in a compromising situation? Please
12. Who's a big spunk?
I don't like the word 'spunk', it sounds way too rude.
13. What is the dumbest thing you've eaten?
When I was very young, like too young for school I bugged my mum to make me a tomato sauce sandwich. I ate the whole thing and pretended to love it just because my mum told me I'd hate it.
14. First five words that come into your head. Right now.
Too many fucking questions fuckass.
15. Your ideal partner is . . .
nerdy, creative, cute and reading this right now.
16. Famous crushes?
Enid Coleslaw, Nona from Pete and Pete, Harley Quinn, Velma and Lady Miss Kier.
17. What's the longest you've gone without sleep?
Tuesday through to Friday. My eyes gave out before my brain did, it was quite scary.
18. Favourite celebrity couple?
Jon Spencer and Christina Martinez.
19. What gets you through the day?
The fact that people I've never met read and like my stuff.
20. The last dumb decision you made?
Every time I decide not to go to a party in Melbourne, Belinda's awesome place in particular. Again it all comes down to laziness.
21. Top 5 greatest tv shows of all time.
Simpsons, Adventures of Pete and Pete, Sopranos, The Office and I'm gonna count Aqua teen hunger force/Brak Show/Sealab 2021 and cartoon planet as one show.
22. Why am I doing this?
There's only so much info you can learn from my comic. Plus I didn't think it would take this long to do.
23. You get to be reincarnated. Who or what as?
As myself again but with the memories I have now.
24. How many funerals have you been to?
One. My grandmother's when I was very little.
25. Worst injury sustained?
My brothers have both broken one of my arms each (not at the same time).
26. The last time you thought 'I'm happy to be alive!'
Last weekend lying in Mijo's backyard while everyone else still slept. The night before was great and the grass was very soft.
27. The last time you cried.
Around easter when I thought of quitting. I was running on no sleep and stunk of Nuts about Chocolate spread. When I got home and read everyone's comments and emails I felt like the most beautiful person alive and I cried.
God damn, I think we have way too much in common.
i know... seriously. like hough instead of a dictator i woulda killed a dinosaur as well. but aside from that we'd do the same shiut back in time. hey ive lets go on a date back in time.
Oh man, the party that evolves into breakfast and there's nowhere to be the next day, you just, well, you just said it all the way it needed to be said, Ive-a-rino.
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