Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Daily Grind #2

Stealing this from i.am.jamie's who stole it from Phil.

Unless I wuss out in the next two weeks i'll be taking part in the second Daily Grind Iron Man Challenge.

Rules so far being :

1. Monday to Friday schedule (easier to track a large group of people).

2. Strip must be a minimum of 2 panels.

3. New work only.

4. No sketchpages or doodles.

5. Limit of one 1 panel strip per every two weeks/ten strips.

6. Strips must be posted by midnight PST. (I think that's 6am local time for me)

7. If you are unable to post for a period of time (i.e. on vacation), you must post your strips for those days in advance.

8. $20 US entry fee that must be paid in advance, last man standing takes all!

9. The contest is not over until only 1 artist remains. One or more
artists can't agree to give up together in an attempt to split the pot.

The more people that join in the better this will be. If you're interested here's where you let everyone know.

I'll be doing pretty much what I already do except maybe not post weekends.
I'm pretty damn excited about it and confident in my chances.

I'm may need some cheerleading now though to make sure I don't chicken out :\

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