Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Sorry Sara !

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If it's not sent out by the end of this week then I am an awful person.

And could people not send me anything for a while ? Not just because I'm moving but also because my letterbox has been taken away AGAIN.


Anonymous said...

Ive I don't shout fire at you!

I will be so pleased to get mail that it will be like I was never mad at you about not getting mail. And as soon as you have a letterbox I'll send something back!

Thank you for drawing me and Pais so cute. We are both happy as clams to appear here. :D

Ive said...

It turns out they just moved it so it's part of my back fence without telling me. I guess a smarter person wouldn't have taken four days to notice it.
This isn't a Geelong problem it's a anusfaces that own my flats problem.