Friday, August 05, 2005

Cheese and whine.

I plan on being in no condition to update tomorrow so here's two :

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Upon further investigation I noticed the cheese was not cut properly making seperation of the pieces difficult BUT still possible without touching every single piece.
Hygiene complaints from the guy that licks too many things while drunk.

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Having to draw a comic is the dumbest thing to whine about. I was tired is all.


1977 said...

hey, i hope it's okay, but i posted your blog address as a link on my blog. also here on blogspot. i've been reading the daily grind iron man challenge, well, daily, and some art i like more than others. please let me know if you want me to take you off my blog. truth be told, no one reads it so i feel like you're safe, but you never know. if you're ever bored to tears:

thanks, dude.

Ive said...

No problem man, thanks for the link.