Friday, August 19, 2005

Heavy hitters and the GG music

Huge update as i'll be spending the night on a Melbourne adventure.

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Do any school kids read this ? Do dobbers still wear nappies ?
Inquiring minds need to know.

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That's why the inking has sucked lately.

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I had to climb out of the cubicle using the bowl and toilet paper dispenser as steps.

I thought this was pretty cool,
From Scott M Davis :
Right now, I am in the process of downloading all of your strips, and adding them to my PSP.
Anyone else interested in this??
I'll still zip them up, so you can enjoy the goodness of them, just gimme some time.

1 comment:

Ive said...

Yeah go for it.
Put anything you want up except for the gravedigger ones because I plan on redrawing the first two or three.
Also there should be some kind of copyright/ownership details somewhere.
even though I keep forgetting to put that stuff on my actual site.