A6 32 pages B+W CUTE $4
Email or msg me.
Check out a few pages here.
(while the preview pages are in colour the actual book isn't.)
Also, if you are one of those people that makes books, toys or such I am totally up for trades.
The deal is that my paypal is misbehaving and I don't want to go posting my street address here (no PO box). Email me ive@iprimus.com.au
I will ship it anywhere !
Money order or well concealed cash.
If you're in australia then $4 aus.
If you're anywhere else $4 US (this covers the book plus shipping).
I'm up for a trade. Not really sure what you have of mine already...
I know you've been really busy lately so i don't want to pressure you with this question, but when can we hope to start seeing the first instalment of printed daily grind comics? Otherwise hope things are slwoing down for ya!
-regards Anthony 'Demanding fan' Woodward
everyone The deal is that my paypal is misbehaving and I don't want to go posting my street address here (no PO box). Email me ive@iprimus.com.au
I will ship it anywhere !
Money order or well concealed cash.
If you're in australia then $4 aus.
If you're anywhere else $4 US (this covers the book plus shipping).
char This saturday i'll be dropping them off at sticky books and MAYBE Minotaur. But if you were to get it straight from me I promise an extra present.
AW Don't worry man, yours is all ready to be sent off. I did actually make a book out of a years worth of my diary strips 2002-2003 and that was enough to put me off ever doing it again. Though smaller 7 pages type books may be the way to go.
Yippy mail for me!
Yeah the new 7 pages format seems to work well, it's two A4 cut in half, fairly easy to copy cut, &collate. Also my next comic will be smaller also proably 3-4 A4 pages cut in half.
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