Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Hungry Hungry Ive.

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You wouldn't hurt me like that if you knew how much I love you and your pizzas.


Anonymous said...

Was that Shannon Pizza??? As a rule the first thing the person on the other end of the pizza shop phone should ask is "pick up or delivery" at which point you should clearly and categorically state the mode of service provision you require.

Anonymous said...

Hey ive,
Get on down to shannon as they have new pizzas on the board!! Satay no less!!!

Ive said...

Well it was late and I wasn't sure if they were still delivering so the first thing I said was "Can I still get a pizza delivered ?" and the liar said "yeah".

Satay on a pizza is hit-and-miss.
Sometimes they try and trick me by using peanut butter and saying it's satay sauce.
You can't lie to me through pizza, assholes.

Anonymous said...

think of the cheese, would someone please think of the cheese! I like big butts and I like them loud...........cause I like to fart.

" I like to watch."